Tuesday, November 20, 2007

a desperate need of recovery

Tonight was only night in this semester that I had nothing to do. No homework due and no midtern to study for. So I was reading the latest Time magazine at the student center. I came cross the cover story "One Day in America". The following is the excerpt:

The vast majority of Americans believe in God, and more than 90% own a Bible, but only half can name a single Gospel, and 10% think Joan of Arc was Noah's wife. So what's the average state of our eternal souls?

Joan of Arc is Noah's wife? You gotta be kidding me. It was so ridiculous that I showed to Paul Daubemmire, who was sitting right next to me. O Lord Jesus. There is a desperate need of recovery. A recovery back to the words of God.

This aftertoon as I was walking out of Evans Hall, a girl approched me and asked me if I want to join a bible study. I inquired about the details of the bible study. She told me that they are studying Romans and they are on Chapter 6. She was there also.

I asked her to share something that impressed her or something she enjoyed from Romans 1 to 6. She hesitated and had no reponse. I pulled out my bible and turned to Romans and handed it to her, hoping she would rememeber something. To my suprise that she wouldn't explain any of the verse. At the end, I shared something I enjoy in Romans to her.

After all, she is a genuine believer. I appreciate her coming out and recruiting strangers to her bible study. I prayed for her. My concern is that so many Christians today are deprived of the basic knowledge of the truth. They are deprived from the enjoyment of the words of God. Bible is the best gift from God to man. There is a desperate need to get in the bible, the word of life.

I am so happy that I am with a group of brothers and sisters that desire one thing only, Christ Himself. We have the same mind. We pursue the Lord together as a body. We run the race together. This is so glorious.

I was so fortunate to see this heavenly vision. I thank the Lord for his mercy on me.

1 comment:

fermat200pg said...

I'm encouraged by the girl who approached you. Even if she couldn't share something with you, she still encouraged me because she had the courage to speak out to someone she didn't know and invite them to a Bible study (something I don't quite have). We can be full of knowledge of the Word, but if we don't speak to others, then it's useless. It would be like hiding a lampstand under a table instead of putting it on top of a table (where is that in the gospels? Darn... need to study the Word more. :-P).