Wednesday, May 07, 2008

a letter to God

Dear God,

Yesterday YOU gave me a golden opportunity to "sherperd" someone in a "special" way. I am sorry I hesitated it. I have been praying for this opportunity for couple times. Out of nowhere that happened. That really surprised me. Why am I surprised by my own prayer being answered? Out of YOUR merciful heart YOU have answered my prayers so many times. Praise YOU, Lord!

I am sorry I didn't responde to yesterday's situation, though the situation was exactly what I prayed for. What was I thinking? I was unsure at that moment, because I knew what I would have done is kind of unconventional and out-of-the-box.

However, I would have done it if YOU would give me a couple more minutes. So as I was deciding on whether I should act or not, the opportunity vanished right before my eyes. I regret it and I repent that I didn't respond.

Lord, YOU and I both know that this is not the end of the story. Maybe YOU will arrange similar opportunities in next couple days. May YOU give me the courage and strength when the time comes.

Yours Forever,

p.s. Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)

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